Saturday, January 6, 2007

The Strange Sensation of Updating

After discovering that I am listed on the sidebar of a couple of bloggers that I read, I have decided to post, thinking that since I am listed on their sidebar...maybe they would actually read a post if I posted one. Isn't that a thought?
Well...I reread some previous posts and there are definitely some subjects I could update on. First of all, I've decided to major in Accounting. No music major (yikes), no journalism major, and I narrowed down which business field I want. My decision could definitely change, but accounting is the foundation for all things business, and I can do a lot with an undergrad degree in Accounting. I'm still going to study music and I still want to take a journalism class (or classes). I'm really not limited to just being an accountant with the degree, so I think that I'm making a good choice. Where I'm going for college next year is still up in the air and I have no idea what's going to happen.
I recently purchased some albums and I think I want to post some reviews on here soon. I love talking about music and records and discovering new artists. Music is amazing. Anyway, I think that people would like reading what I have to say about some of the music I listen to, so if anyone's reading this, you might come back to read what I have to say.
Indianapolis and Kansas City are playing in the first 2007 NFL playoff game. I don't think that KC is doing so well, but I want them to win. I've never really liked Indianapolis. Sorry, Colts fans.

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