Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Subscribe Away!

Okay, I found the e-mail subscription service that I talked about in the last post ... to subscribe to my blog, all you have to do is enter your e-mail address into the box on the right side of my site underneath my profile, links, and "previous posts." I don't know if an e-mail is sent daily to your inbox or if one is sent only when I post a new entry (hopefully it's the latter because daily e-mails can be annoying if I don't post everyday). Anyway, this service is useful for people who don't want to have to manually visit the site everytime they want to read new posts. If you sign up, then an e-mail will be sent to you so that you won't have to come to my site! Isn't it brilliant? Anyway, sign up. NOW.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Few Thoughts

Mmm, blogging. I'm really impressed with some Blogger (or blogspot, I don't know which one it really is) sites I've seen, so I decided to get one of these. I'm considering permanently moving my primary blogging site to Blogger. I think there is a way for people to be able to subscribe to this blog without having to actually sign-up for an account. If only I can find faithful readers! Let the journey begin!

I would like to share with you the answer I gave to the "random question" that Blogger asks everyone on their profiles. I had to ask for a different random question because my answer for this one was apparently too long (even after I had shortened it!).

Question - Compose the lyrics to a new national anthem that features an animal sound at least once:


Euniceland, Euniceland,
Hail to the mighty hand of Eunice (moo!)
Oh so grand, (baaaaaa), oh so grand,
With more taste than food that's bland (gorilla makes crude body noises)
Eunice is my savior, she is everywhere to me.
I'm just glad she lets me live in a place where I do not have to pay a fee. (chihuahua whines)

I find it remotely funny. I have fun writing this kind of stuff. I hope you enjoyed it. I should answer as many random questions as I can to build my humor writing skills.

All is well in my life! I'm looking forward to watching Game Four of the playoff series between the Dallas Mavericks and Phoenix Suns tonight! It's hard for me to decide which teams I want to play in the Finals ... I just feel privileged that I am able to sit back and enjoy it. I don't care who wins, as long as it's good and exciting.

R. Davis