Monday, July 7, 2008

i'mma soldier

i'm a jerk. it's true. i really am a big, huge jerk most of the time. some really good people are big jerks and they don't particularly mean to be. like tobymac. I was watching an unfinished movie from dc talk's first big tour way back in 1994 or something. they had become a big act and dc talk was no longer just an opening act. toby has a way of pushing things and people to the limit. i found it interesting to watch the portion of the film that focused entirely on just him and the way he treated his bandmates. he was a jerk without trying to be. toby is a humble jerk. today i feel like a big fat jerk.

but what was on my mind throughout today was an article i read this morning when i was supposed to be getting ready for college classes. yesterday patrick found an article in dallas morning news about college student interns and how helpful internships are for students. "interns get on fast track." but that wasn't the article i read this morning. i read "tired of the same old drill? army can provide new start." i've honestly always been curious about the thought of joining the military, especially since sarah had her fling with the air force. i have actually almost decided that i will seriously seriously consider joining a branch if i end up a few years removed from a college degree, unable to find any kind of job that i am happy with, and still unmarried. i personally can't see myself unable to find work that i will be content with, as i am already trying to plan out what i want to do even while still in college. but there's still that curiosity about the military, that feeling that i would actually be contently productive and acquire the skills i should have learned growing up. my mom's strange stance against the military even before the war (if I recall correctly) only peaks my curiosity and rebellious side all the more. i'm pretty sure i won't be that scared of the war, especially if obama finds a way to pull us out in one piece. i remember hearing the statistic that it's easier to be hit by a bus out in the street than to be killed in the "war in Iraq." besides, this isn't about the war or supporting a liberal president. this is about me. (but for now i am safe and sound at baylor university whuut!!)

now seriously, i've got to write two essays, read several from the textbook, and still be able to stay krunk! i know i will be able to do this however, because i am listening to seriously dope gypsy beats. getcha some fo real.

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